Interaction Markers in the Written Output of Learners of English: the Case of Gender


  • Davud Kuhi Azad Islamic University, Maragheh Branch, Maragheh, Iran
  • Ahmad Shomoossi Azad Islamic University, Maragheh Branch, Maragheh, Iran
  • Nematullah Shomoossi
  • Ali Sorayyaei Azar


Background and Purpose: Employing stance and engagement markers can clearly indicate writers’ intentions and opinions in the text. The present study was conducted to examine Iranian EFL learners' use of interaction markers in balancing the reader-writer relationship in their written tasks.

Methods and Materials: This study involved 14 male and 16 female participants, who took a writing task after being evaluated for their language levels. The tasks were anonymously coded and scored by two raters, and a checklist was developed for keeping a record of the frequency of stance and engagement markers. The differences between the two sets were investigated by t-test and Mann Whitney U test.

Results: The mean age of participants (ranging from 19 to 30 years) was 20.60±1.01. The male and female participants were highly similar in their language levels; however, they had used stance and engagement markers differently, i.e. the frequency of engagement markers (221 cases) exceeded that of the stance markers (99 cases). T-test revealed no significant difference in their using stance markers; however, there was a slight difference in their use of engagement markers.

Conclusion: The participants did use stance and engagement markers differently. They used the reader-oriented markers more than the writer-oriented markers. No significant difference in the performance of male and female participants was observed in using stance markers but there was a slight difference for engagement markers.

Key Words: Interaction Markers; Stance; Engagement; Writing Instruction; Gender.


Author Biographies

Davud Kuhi, Azad Islamic University, Maragheh Branch, Maragheh, Iran

Davud Kuhi, PhD, is an assistant professor of Applied Linguistics at the English Language Department at the Islamic Azad University of Maragheh, Iran. He has published and presented articles in various professional occasions, and has supervised theses in his field. (E-mail:

Ahmad Shomoossi, Azad Islamic University, Maragheh Branch, Maragheh, Iran


Ahmad Shomoossi is a master's student of TEFL at the Islamic Azad University of Maragheh, Iran. He has taught English for two decades and is the senior manager of Ehsan Language School. (E-mail:

Nematullah Shomoossi

Nematullah Shomoossi, PhD, is the head of English department at Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Iran. He is involved in teaching general English as well as research in language policy and assessing writing. (Email:

Ali Sorayyaei Azar

An assistant professor of Applied Linguistics at the English Language Department at the Azad Islamic University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran





