The Relation Between Scouting and Character Education in The Context of “The Book of The Wolf Puppies” Published In The Journal “Çocuk Dünyasi”


  • Gönül Türkan Demir Amasya University, Turkey



In the globalizing world, the success of each nation in transferring the values of its culture to the new generations is directly related to the continuation of their culture. Both international and national studies include findings regarding character education in the family and at school, the cause of which is that the new generation has the desired character characteristics and assimilate the social values. Scouting, one of the out-of-school activities, is one of the important social and sporting activities that children and young people perform outside of the family and school. Scouting activities which have their own rules and which make a close connection between their members are also very effective in character education.  In this study, The Book of the Wolf Puppies published in a journal called Çocuk Dünyası in 1926 has been examined. In the study carried out with the method of document analysis, the analysis of the texts was carried out according to the themes determined in the QSR Nvivo 9 program. As a result, it was found that scouting activities directly and positively contribute to character education.




How to Cite

Demir, G. T. (2019). The Relation Between Scouting and Character Education in The Context of “The Book of The Wolf Puppies” Published In The Journal “Çocuk Dünyasi”. Journal of Education in Black Sea Region, 4(2), 71–84.