Influence of Job Stress and Work Environment on Teachers’ Work-Family Conflict in Ijebu North Public Secondary Schools, Ogun State, Nigeria
Work-family conflicts have become increasingly important for organizations to consider. Its challenges in the world of work and family in recent decades have stimulated much research on the subject matter. Also, there are a number of factors that can lead to increased work-family conflict. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of job stress and work environment on teachers’ work-family conflict in Ijebu North public secondary schools, Ogun State, Nigeria. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested to guide this study. A descriptive survey research design was employed in this study. The population for the study consisted of all teachers in public secondary schools in Ijebu North local government of Ogun State, Nigeria. A sample of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents was selected for this study using multi-stage sampling procedure and simple random sampling technique. Four (4) research instruments were used for the study. The instruments are Demographic Data Form (DDF), Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI), Work-Family Conflict Scale (WFCS) and Work Environment Questionnaire (WEQ). Findings of the study revealed that there was a significant composite and relative contribution of job stress and work environment on teachers’ work-family conflict in Ijebu-North Public Secondary Schools, Ogun State, Nigeria (R=.320; R2 =.103; F (2, 117) = 6.691; P<.05). Work environment is the most potent predictor of teachers’ work-family conflict in Ijebu-North Local Government (B = .280; t = 2.803, P > 0.01) followed by job stress (B = 0.71; t = .705, P > 0.01). Based on these findings, it was recommended among others that the school as an organisation should assist teachers to better coordinate workplace and family roles by offering family-friendly benefits. It was also suggested that the school should create a good atmosphere for teachers so as to be able to relax and have fun during leisure hours.
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