Influence of Principals’ Conflict Resolution Skills on Teachers’ Commitment in Public Secondary Schools in Ogun State
This study investigated the Influence of principals’ conflict resolution skills on teachers’ job commitment in public secondary schools in Ogun State. A descriptive research design was employed. The population for the study consisted of 3,109 teachers. A sample of six hundred and forty-five (645) respondents was selected. Three (03) instruments were used for data collection, namely: demographic data form, organizational commitment scale (r = .91), and Rahim organizational conflict inventory – II (r = .96). Findings showed that there was a significant influence of principals’ conflict resolution skills on teachers’ job commitment (R = .253; R2 = .064; Adj. R2= 063; F (1,636) = 43.508; P< .05). Also, principals’ gender significantly moderated the influence of principals’ conflict resolution skills on teachers’ job commitment. Male principals have a significant moderating influence of principals’ conflict resolution skills on teachers’ job commitment (R =.376; R2 =.141; R2(adj) =.139; F (1,406) =66.563; P<.05). Also, female principals do not have a significant moderating influence of principals’ conflict resolution skills on teachers’ job commitment (R =.048; R2 =.002; R2(adj) =-.002; F (1,230) =.525; P>.05). Based on these findings, it was recommended that regular seminars should be organized to educate principals on conflict resolution strategies. Also, the Ministry of Education should organize extensive in-service development programs and/or encourage the principals to go for short courses in educational management with specific emphasis on leadership skills and styles and conflict management in schools irrespective of their gender.
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