Teachers’ Professional Development and Instructional Supervision as Contributory Factor to Job Performance in Ogun State Secondary Schools, Nigeria
Evident complacency of teachers as indicated by absenteeism, poor student grade return, poor record keeping, and laziness at work among others are clear indicting evidence that teachers’ job performances call for questioning. The purpose of the study is to investigate the contribution of professional development and instructional supervision to teachers’ job performance in Ogun State secondary schools. The study adopted descriptive survey research. The population comprised of teachers in Ogun state public secondary schools with 208 samples selected through a multi-stage sampling technique. Three adopted questionnaires (Instructional supervision scale, 0.88; Teachers Professional Development scale, 0.82; job performance scale, 0.74) were revalidated and used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using simple percentage and multiple regression analysis (MRA). Findings show that there is a significant relationship among the variables of the study (professional development and instructional supervision, r = 262, P < 0.05; professional development and job performance, r = .182, P < 0.05; job performance and instructional supervision r = 078, P < 0.05). It also shows that professional development and instructional supervision have a significant contribution to teachers’ job performance in Ogun state secondary schools (F = 1.550, p < 0.05). It also shows a significant contribution of professional development to teachers’ job performance (F (1,205) = 1.257, P < 0.05) while instructional supervision also contributed significantly to teachers’ job performance (F(1,205) = 1.257, P < 0.05). It is concluded that teachers will continue to improve their job performance once they are given the right training and are well-supervised. The study recommends that adequate and timely training should be provided to teachers based on their needs to enhance their job performance.
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